Thursday, June 26, 2008

So We Really Want To Teach?

As soon as I came across this article and website I knew it had to be my post for the day. The site is So You Want To Teach?, a down-to-earth blogger who combines experience and humor without the "2 teach is 2 touch 4ever" sugary coating. He writes for current teachers and future teachers. It's exactly what I was looking for in an edublog. I got immersed in it for an hour or so just like I get immersed in Wikipedia.

The article I'm highlighting is called Do I Really Want To Teach? It lists 10 "ways to tell if teaching is really your thing." Anyone slightly interested in education should review this quick list. I found it encouraging and accurate

Right before I was going to log off, I found this other gem of educational realism:
Fifty-One Minutes. It's a realistic portrayal of the lives we chose.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Sweet! Yeah, none of that sugary coating on my writing. Thanks for the link and I hope you subscribed and continue enjoying the stuff you find on the site!